Monday 5 March 2012

Start of my modelling

This is a simple crate that I have created within 3ds max, it was simple to make, and is super low poly. It was created using the cut, extrusion and connect tools.
This simple net was created using the line tool. I created one line with 10 vertices's , then I made an array and copied it across to make a 10x10 grid. Then I selected the corner vertex with soft selection turned on and moved the vertex's around to create the net line affect.

This is a barrel that I made which will be located all around my house. This was a simple cylinder and then selected the middle vertex's and scaled them out, then I put a simple wood texture of it, then selected middle polygons and put a metal texture on it.

These pipes were created using cylinder, and then I selected the end polygon and hit "Hinge from edge" and then selected the edge that was vertical, so it would hinge a straight 90 degree's.

  This lantern will be featured throughout my house because it will provide the light source. It was created using box modelling, and I started using a cylinder and extruding and insetting it until I made the bottom holder, then I used another cylinder to created the glass area, and then used the line tool to create the handle, and then effect in the middle of the lantern. This is a simple model only consisting of a hundred or so polygons.
  Annotations to come
This is the wireframe model of the lantern that I have created, this is so you can see the polygons.

This is a door I have created for my map, I made this using box, cylinders and a sphere for the handle. The planks were made seperately and then linked together, then I made the metal bindings with bolts in, this was to give the door some more detail, because it looked a little plain and odd because it didnt look like it would stay together.
This picture frame was very simple to make, but looks very effective, it was bascially a box with one of the faces inset, and then extruded inwards slightly, and then put a wood texture on the entire model, then selcted the main face and inputted this picture , because it fits in with the era that I wanted.

Here is a simple dinning room chair that I have created using the box modelling process, it was easily created using the extrusion and inset tools. I then textured the model using the basic "UV Map" tool which allowed me to position the textures where I wanted them, and fix any unwanted stretching.

This is the wire frame model of the chair.

The bed is a little more complex because I wanted to make it fairly detailed, yet still keep it within a smaller polygon count. I created the beds frame first, which allowed me to get the basic shape of the whole object, I used basic primitives to shape the bed frame and then created slats to complete the bed. I then wanted to make it a little more interesting which is why I decided to destroy it a little bit, I created the mattress and then used the soft selection tool to drag it down. this made it look like it had been ruined which is the look I was going for.

Here is the wire frame model to show how complex the polygons are, yet its still within a basic polygon count for the model.

Here is a bed side table that I modelled, I wanted to make it a little different than the usual box with legs that you might see. So I decided to open the front draw and add the little chains that make it swing open, this added to the poly count a little but I think it was worth it.

Here is the wire frame model of the bedside table.

  this is a sink that I created in 3ds max, I wanted to make it look smooth and then I can texture it later on and make it look dirty and old. I used a mesh smooth on this to make it seem more like a  sink but this did up the poly count a little bit.
As you can see from the wire frame model, the poly count is high but i will try to reduce these when I texture it.

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